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Directory Banner Ad - 1135px X 140px

2 Items Remaining

Increase the traffic to your website by purchasing one of two banner ad placements that appear during searches of the supplier directory. 

Size is 1135px X 140px. 

Two are available: one at the top of the directory pages and one at the bottom.

-Visible on all pages of the directory, no matter which category has been selected.

-Visible on all three directory search pages (category, list, and map)

-Purchaser is responsible for ad creation and is restricted to the size listed.

-Ad will link directly to your website.

- Exact location cannot be guaranteed until your order is processed.

-Order will automatically renew each year at the current annual price.  Payment will be due for the renewal ten days prior to the expiration date.  Cancellations must be requested at least thirty days prior to the expiration date, which is one year from the date of purchase.


Member Price: $1,500/yr