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*Voluntary APAC Contribution

Providing quality rental housing for hardworking Floridians is your business. Our business is to make sure you can succeed.

APAC Gives Our Industry a Voice in Tallahassee

The Florida Apartment Association Political Committee (APAC) is committed to preserving and advancing its members’ interests through political advocacy at the state and local government levels. Since 1971, the Florida Apartment Association’s Political Action Committee has helped to elect pro-multifamily industry candidates from across Florida. The purpose of APAC is simple: to raise funds and elect candidates who understand and support our issues and interests.

APAC is the voice for Florida’s multifamily industry, and your voluntary contributions to APAC enable FAA to advocate for you in Tallahassee. Your contributions matter and help to elect both Republican and Democrats in Florida to support our industry; during the last election cycle 98% of APAC supported candidates were elected in Florida!

We Need to Support APAC so that APAC Can Support Us

Our continued success depends on the financial strength of APAC. Consider your APAC contribution as a form of business insurance. You are making an investment to ensure the election of candidates who will help protect our industry. Remember, your freedom to do business depends on our continued ability to advocate for your issues!

Contributions to APAC are voluntary and are used for political purposes. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. A member is free to contribute more or less than the suggested amount, and may choose not to give without reprisal from the Florida Apartment Association or affiliate associations